Movie Review Coming Soon!

Directed by by Frank Sputh, Bin Martha, Kolumbianerin (I'm Martha, Colombian) is a slowcumentary, the nearly three-hour portrait of a young Afro-Colombian woman, a slow, closely observing documentary.

Watch 'Slapped Straight'

Now available to rent for 48 hours.

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Expressway Cinema Rentals is Philadelphia's leading photo & video rental resource for the creative community.

Visual Jedi LLC | Specializing in Video Production from concept to creation. Storyboard, audio mixing, editing, graphics design and more!

Pour something different! Premium specialty loose leaf teas sourced in Africa. Sibahle - We Are Beautiful!

The Ultimate Vegan Experience! We are Vegan Soul. Celebrate a new way of life with healthier food.

Fine Art Reproductions - Limited Edition Giclees on Canvas and Limited Edition Prints by World-Renowned Visual Artist and Designer, Synthia SAINT JAMES


Read my A to Z Reflections:

The Madlab Post is Home to the weekly Monday Movie Meme: Signup!

Are you ready for the best blog hop on the net? #atozchallenge

*All 31 "Prompts" might not be featured on this blog; I have my own schedule and topics to adhere to.

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Come SUPPORT the makers and SHOP for the holidays at MADE@BOK Small Biz Saturday Market where you can get a head start on The Madlab Post’s Shop Small Treasure Hunt with movie tickets, videogames and more! This is a market featuring crafts from artists, designers, makers and small businesses that create within the walls of the historic Bok building. Free entry!

Perspectives directed by Neer Shelter has qualfied for the 2024 Academy Awards


#Oscars #Shortlist

FYC: Academy qualified short film 'Perspectives' directed by Neer Shelter | Oscars Shortlist



📣 MADE @ BOK SPRING MARKET IS HERE 📣 Our first Market of 2022! On Sunday, May 1st from 11-4pm, come grab a gift for mom, a treat for your loves or something to brighten up your life in the way only springtime can like clothing, jewelry, ceramic and vintage wares, a brownie or two (or five), and more! 🤗 We'll be setting up in the gym as well as all the shops in retail row through the (new and improved!) Dudley St door.

See you then! ❤️🧡💛💚💙💜🤎🖤🤍

Rent Abyss: The Greated Proposal Ever, a short film made with a diverse cast & crew working together to tell a story about Love, Friendship and PTSD! This urban military homecoming drama is a candid glimpse into the troubles surrounding a U.S. Army Sergeant who gets stranded by SEPTA in the inner city when a wild marriage proposal shakes up his plans to reunite with the only family he knows. 

The 2019 Short Film Slam Round V Championships is showing at Motor House in Baltimore, MD. Visit the Shop for Advance Tickets to our awards showcase!




RESERVE YOUR SEAT for February - March 2019!


The Madlab Post showed all of the 2019 OSCAR Nominees for Best Short Film in the Animation, Live Action and Documentary categories earlier this year. Missed the show? Get on our mailing list!


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Entries in Movie Costumes (1)


Deep Cover Partying with a Disney Twist! #atozchallenge



"Yeah, and you don't stop, 'cause it's 1-8-7 on an undercover cop..." 

"Deep Cover" by Dr. Dre is one of those songs that you can just sit back in a lounge chair or a car and bop your head to the beat. Introducing Snoop Dogg to the rap music scene, this tune was produced as the theme song for the crime thriller, “Deep Cover” starring actors Laurence Fishburne and Jeff Goldblum. The movie is about a uniformed police officer who infiltrates a drug smuggling organization to help the DEA prosecute the criminal network’s main boss and stop cocaine from being imported into their jurisdiction.

The movie plot in “Deep Cover” involves lot of corruption in various areas of the criminal justice system, from cops to lawyers. It got me thinking about the way cops are portrayed in the movies and more often than not, they are presented in a bad light. Our February 2012 King Dong, Denzel Washington played a dirty cop in “Training Day” and Keeanu Reeves was a corrupt police officer who did not play by the rules in “Street Kings.” Hollywood seems to thrive on story lines where cops are of low moral character and it appears to be rare for audiences to find a good cop on the big screen -- regardless of whether they are detectives, street cops or undercover police offers.

Good cops, just like movies with good cops in them, however, are out there -- as depicted in “Miss Congeniality” where Sandra Bullock plays an FBI Special Agent who goes undercover as a beauty pageant contestant to prevent a terrorist attack. So the next time you have a holiday party or other social gathering, try putting a positive masquerade type of spin on the whole undercover cop plot for some lighthearted fun. Host a masquerade party based on Disney's "Tinker Bell" movie, where your female guests are required to dress like Disney fairies.

All of the fairies don't have to be based on a fairy who is in the movie, which provides more flexibility for your guests to choose one based on who they like and/or the costumes that they can easily put together at a moment’s notice. Bess, for example, would be my personal choice despite the fact that she's only in the books since this particular Disney Fairy appears to be the only one whose favorite color matches a party mask that I already own. She and I also seem to have a lot in common -- go figure! She likes to paint. I like to draw. She likes blueberry pie. I like blueberry cobbler. She is messy. I tend to not only be messy but also very unorganized -- have you even seen my non-alphabetized movie collection?! Case closed.


During your party, provide all guests with a pencil and pieces of paper to write down who they think is under the mask during a fun guessing game. The object of this game is to try to figure out which guest is posing as what Fairy. Now, how is THAT for a little no-so-private investigation where the scene is more colorful and no one is at risk of getting shot or arrested?!!

Did you know? - Late actress Brittany Murphy was originally selected to play Tinker Bell in the Disney movie, before the role went to Mae Whitman!

If YOU (or your wife, girlfriend, daughter, etc.) were to attend a party dressed as a Disney Fairy, which one would you pick (or recommend to the female in your life) to go undercover as a masked fairy?


 *Disney fairy costume photo by Maryssa.